windowSafe® - Special gaskets and extruded PE foam profiles

Special sealing gaskets & profiles - News & Projects

Please see below for current projects as well as news and information about our product windowSafe®.


Come by, say hi - Fensterbau Frontale 2024

From March 19th to 22nd, Fensterbau Frontale, the world's leading trade fair for windows, doors and facades will open its doors in Nuremberg, Germany.

This year Fensterbau Frontale promises to be especially exciting: What is currently moving the industry? What developments can be expected in window & facade construction in the future? What's next when it comes to digitalization and sustainability?

This is one of the reasons why the windowSafe® sales team will again be present this year.

You would like to take advantage of the opportunity and arrange a meeting on site?
Please contact us:

[Date: 26.02.2024]

windowSafe® - Fensterbau Frontale 2024

Gallery Building Projects


Update: carbon neutrality 2023

As our project in Kenya (see news from July 18th, 2022) was successfully completed we are now supporting another drinking water project in Eritrea.

Eritrea is a country highly vulnerable to water related problems: droughts und desertification endanger nutrition and hygiene as do floods. The supply of clean drinking water is a daily challenge for many Eritreans.

This is where the ClimatePartner project with the number 1294 comes in. Since many communities lack the necessary resources it supports the repair and maintenance of drinking water wells. A reliable and local water supply saves CO2 emissions since water no longer has to be boiled over an open fire.

Further information:

[Date: 26.07.2023]

windowSafe® - ClimatePartner - Clean drinking water, Eritrea


Cell Rubber "super soft"

Cell rubber is soft and flexible and thus very popular for sealing purposes. As the rule is: the bigger the cells the softer the material. But larger cells often result in more permeability. So very soft cell rubber materials are not always completely close celled and thus not water or air tight anymore.

windowSafe® cell rubber "super soft" is different: the EPDM-based material has very large cells that are still completely closed. This makes the material highly compressible und particularly suitable for use on irregular surfaces.

Additional features:
Density 95 kg/m³ (± 15)
Temperature range -40°C bis +120°C
Intermittent +140°C

[Date: 07.02.2023]

windowSafe® - Cell rubber super soft


Update: carbon neutrality 2022

Since 2021 ratioSystems® offsets CO2 emissions that can not be avoided or reduced by supporting recognised ClimatePartner projects.

As our previous project in Kenia has come to a successful end we are now happy to support a new project in Sierra Leone that is also about clean drinking water.

This one helps communities to restore wells. In cooperation with the local population damaged wells are repaired and regularly maintained, which secures the regional water supply. The availability of clean drinking water eliminates the need to boil water, saving an average of 10,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year.

Further information:

[Date: 18.07.2022]

windowSafe® - ClimatePartner - Clean drinking water, Sierra Leone


ratioSystems® - change of legal form

On 01.05.2022 the company's name and legal form changed as follows:

ratioSystems® GmbH | industrial solutions

This is due to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on 31. December 2020 ("BREXIT"). Since then British Limiteds in Germany have been confronted with commercial as well as legal uncertainties so a German form of organization (GmbH "Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung") was established.

All other contact information - such as address, phone number and email - remain.

See our imprint for additional data:

[Date: 01.05.2022]

windowSafe® - Important!


ratioSystems® - 100% carbon neutral

"A 'Keep at it!' is not acceptable. Climate protection is the biggest challenge of the 21th century."
[Angela Merkel, German Chancellor / 2007]

As a company we do our best to meet that challenge. Not only because everyone will ultimately be affected by climate change but also because companies have a notable and specific responsibility.

In 2020 our corporate carbon footprint (CCF) was calculated and evaluated by ClimatePartner. Emissions that could not be avoided or reduced are now being offset by supporting a recognised project in Paradigm, Kenya.

This project supplies families in rural Kenya with clean drinking water. Thus they no longer need to boil water with wood on an open fire. The treated water from is drinkable for 72 hours, saves the population the money for firewood and the time for the often protracted wood procurement. It also conserves the local tree population and avoids CO2 and other pollutants.

[Date: 01.03.2021]

windowSafe® - Extruded PE foam profiles & sustainability

PE foam backer rods available

Round PE foam profiles are used as backing or sealing material.

Manufactured from close-celled polyethylene foam they are compressible and elastic.

Backer rods are applicable as gap, window and door sealing. When inserted into a joint they control the sealant depth and act as bond-breakers, without adhering to the sealant. PE backer rods can be used for internal and external applications.

The diameters from Ø 6mm up to Ø 150 mm are now available.

Please contact us for price and delivery information:

[Date: 30.08.2020]

windowSafe® - PE foam backer rods